Musician 1988
Onstage with his current courtesans, Prince plays guitars made by Knut Koupee of Minneapolis and a Tele-style limited edition Hohner through a Nady 700 wireless. He uses a Mesa/Boogie Series 300 preamp and a Carver power amp into JBL speakers, with Boss pedal effects and JBL 547 graphic EQs. He also pounds a Yamaha KX88 keyboard controller MIDI'd to a Roland MKS-20 piano module.
Sheila E pounds a Yamaha Recording Series acoustic kit. For electronic assault she wields a Dynacord ADD-ONE kit, Roland Octapads and PM-16 interface, and an Emu E-Max sampler. She also uses Paiste cymbals, various Latin Percussion gizmos and Vic Firth sticks.
Boni Boyer plays a Hammond B-3 with Leslie 122 cabinet, an E-Max sampler, a Roland MKS-20 and D-50, a Yamaha DX7 and an Ensoniq ESQ-1. The ever-reliable Dr. Fink fingers two Yamaha MIDI keyboard controllers and an Ensoniq SQ-80, plus a Roland MKS-20, two Roland D-550 modules, a Yamaha TX816 MIDI rack, a Prophet VS, a Yamaha DX7 and a Fairlight CMI IIX, all run through a Soundcraft 200B mixer.
As for the horns, Eric Leeds blows Conn 10M tenor and Selmer Mark VI bari saxes through a Nady701 system; Atlanta Bliss wails a B-flat trumpet via a Roland CT-8 trumpet effects processor. Microphones are Sennheiser EM-2003s and MKE 40s.
Guitarist Miko Weaver has a Charvel/Jackson, custom axes by Pete's Guitars, GHS Boomer strings, a Nady 1200 wireless, and pedals by Roland, Mesa Boogie, Boss (Chorus and Octave) and Dunlop (WahWah). He's backed by a Roland GP- 8, Yamaha SPX-90, Rocictron Hush IICX, and a Mesa Boogie Quad pre-amp and power amp. Levi Seager, Jr. gets his Guild Pilot bass in yer face with GHS M-5000 strings, a Nady 1200 wireless, an ADA DDL, a Rocktron Hush IIC, a Mesa Boogie power amp and Boss Heavy Metal pedals.
The show's wireless hand-held mikes are by Sennheiser, headsets by Samson and Countryman.